Your Livingood Daily Cleanse Challenge Quickstart Guide
Follow the steps below to ensure that you are fully prepared to start the upcoming Livingood Daily Cleanse Challenge!

Step 1: Join The Upcoming Challenge Group!
Every challenge we create a new challenge group in Facebook so that everyone has the opportunity to start fresh. Even those who have been with us for 50+ challenges! Click the button below to join the upcoming challenge group.

Step 3: Download Your Workbook!
If you have a Livingood Daily Book, there is a Challenge Workbook inside. If you have not received your Livingood Daily Book yet, you can click the button below to download a digital copy.

Step 3: Upgrade to Livingood Daily Membership
When you join the Livingood Daily lifestyle you'll get accountability to help you tap into your body's natural healing ability so you can experience real health!
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I start?
Watch the videos in the ‘Guides Tab’ on your Facebook page. Afterward, make sure you have your Challenge workbook downloaded and get to know the Facebook group! On Day 1, we will be posting a teaching and workout video for you to follow!
When do I officially start?
You can jump into Facebook anytime and start posting, but the challenge officially kids off on January 6th!
Do I need a Facebook account to join the Challenge?
While Lifestyle Members are not required to have Facebook to participate in the Challenge, we encourage participation through Facebook to benefit from accountability and to enjoy the sense of community that the Crew provides. However, Challenge resources are also available in the Members Area for those who do not use Facebook.
Do I get access to the membership area with my Free Challenge access?
Livingood Daily Cleanse Challenge purchasers do not receive access to the Livingood Daily Lifestyle Membership. Purchase of the Livingood Daily Cleanse Challenge grants buyers access to the Private Facebook Community only.
Do I receive this information in my email each day?
You do receive an email reminder each day. However, to view the Daily Teaching and 10-minute Workout you will need to log in to your Facebook Account and go to the Crew Facebook Group.
What meal plan should I be following in the beginning?
Focus on the Food List in your Challenge Workbook on pages 13 & 14 to start! We will discuss nutrition during week 1 of the challenge and guide you where to go from there.
If I have a question, where do I go to get it answered?
You can post and comment within the Facebook group at anytime! Just make sure you include the word ‘Coach’ so we get notified.
What supplements do I start with?
Our most popular supplements are Vitamin D, Collagen, Greens and Omegas. Please ask our Coaching team what they recommend for you specifically!
I went through a challenge and I am pretty familiar with how it works. Where do I go from here?
Now it’s go time! You’ve watched the teachings and know the process, now let’s set some goals. Some great examples are water intake, number of workouts per week, picking and following a meal plan, or stress management! The book give you the blueprint to real health, start implementing those steps into your day to day.
What supplements should I take after a couple months?
Now that you have goals set, start adding in supplements that will help you achieve those goals! Our coaching team can assist on those next steps :)
How do I add more value to my Cleanse Challenge and what can I do to take it to the next level?
Take it to the next level by upgrading your membership. It's an accountability program designed to harness your body's natural healing abilities for real health, helping burn toxic fat, boost energy, and potentially eliminate harmful medications. Get exclusive access to the Livingood Daily Lifestyle Members Area, which can be purchased at or CLICK HERE.