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Your Livingood Daily Challenge Quickstart Guide

Follow the steps below to ensure that you are fully prepared to start the upcoming Livingood Daily Challenge!

Frequently Asked Questions

Watch the videos in the ‘Guides Tab’ on your Facebook page. Afterward, make sure you have your Challenge workbook downloaded and get to know the Facebook group! On Day 1, we will be posting a teaching and workout video for you to follow!

To participate in the Challenge you do need to have a Facebook account. The Crew is held in a Facebook Group that is private, specifically for Challenge and Lifestyle Members.

You do receive an email reminder each day. However, to view the Daily Teaching and 10-minute Workout you will need to log in to your Facebook Account and go to the Crew Facebook Group.

Focus on the Food List on pages 10 & 11 to start! We will discuss nutrition during week 1 of the challenge and guide you where to go from there.

You can post and comment within the Facebook group at anytime! Just make sure you include the word ‘Coach’ so we get notified.

Our most popular supplements are Vitamin D, Collagen, Greens and Omegas. Please ask our Coaching team what they recommend for you specifically!

Now it’s go time! You’ve watched the teachings and know the process, now let’s set some goals. Some great examples are water intake, number of workouts per week, picking and following a meal plan, or stress management! The book give you the blueprint to real health, start implementing those steps into your day to day.

Now that you have goals set, start adding in supplements that will help you achieve those goals! Our coaching team can assist on those next steps :)

If you are a Lifestyle member there are a few advanced plans for you in your Member’s Area! The Advanced Challenge Meal plan in your Challenge Workbook will introduce you to intermittent fasting and is a great way to get prepared for rotational fasting. We also have our Advanced Challenge Workbooks & Trainings that are broken up by condition! You can find those in your Member’s Area :)

Crew 52, Crew 53, Crew 54, Crew 55