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Winning 1% At A Time, Times A Few!

For about a week, I've been following an OMAD plan. OMAD=one meal a day, for new people, BPC with #DLG coffee in the morning, liquids with vitamin C and greens until about 4, then a healthy recipe, loosely followed, from Make Food Simple, enough for one because Barry's out of town. I've also been doing work around the house, inside and out, things I've not done in ages, like flower gardening and planting veggies. 10 minute workouts 4 of 7 days. What I've done has worked. I'm down 5 lbs from Memorial Day. Slept 7 hours last night, which is good for this 5-hr-per-night sleeper.
#Winning 1% at a time, times a few!
Winning 1% At A Time, Times A Few!

Donna D.