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Why Would I Want To Stop When l've Experienced These Kind Of Results?

Why Would I Want To Stop When l've Experienced These Kind Of Results?
Hi everyone! This is a photo/selfie that I took this morning. I started last year at age 69. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, thyroid problems, was trying to get back on track after going through treatment for Lyme's, 3 co-infections and EBV. I was exhausted all the time and was sick and tired of not feeling well. Over the past year+ I have lost 25 pounds, 19 inches of inflammation; my cholesterol dropped 50 points (down to 190), blood pressure is normal, my thyroid is healing (medication has been reduced), and my energy is back to "normal." This lifestyle works! Focusing on the 1%. Thank you Dr. Livingood and Nurse Livingood!  During this crew I will continue to work on doing the 10 minutes of exercises at least 5 days a week, as well as eating clean/healthy. Why would I want to stop when l've experienced these kind of results? Bring it on! 
Why Would I Want To Stop When l've Experienced These Kind Of Results?

Lynne M.