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This Is A Lifetime Journey!!

This Is A Lifetime Journey!!
Hi Crew! This is my third challenge after taking a long break, thinking I no longer needed the support. I finally realized I DO need the support, valuable information, and motivation. I have slowly made progress, cleaning up my meats and oils. I exercise more and have pretty much eliminated processed foods. I am still working on getting my water intake...although it seems I am always drinking it. I haven't weighed this challenge, but do notice my clothes fit looser, and I feel better! I keep reminding myself that this is a lifetime journey. Good health is not a 21 day challenge. It is ongoing for the rest of my life. So I take it moment by moment, and forgive myself if I don't do it perfectly. Those 1%'s really do add up!!! 
This Is A Lifetime Journey!!

Cheryl W.