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The 1% Method Is Effective

The 1% Method Is Effective
I've been following these challenges for many months but only making small changes along the way. We've replaced plastic containers with glass, eliminated bad oils, cut out almost all processed foods and I have the husband on board with the meal plan for the most part. I added a few and replaced a few supplements with the DLG brands. So far, I have lost 10 lbs and, most importantly, I have not needed blood pressure meds in the la few weeks. I am a 2 year breast cancer survivor with a med that ca cause weight gain, amongst other side effects. I have to continue for another 3 years to give myself the best chance of not having a recurrence. It has been an adjustment, but the progress I am making here is a good thing! This is working out well and it's becoming easier as time goes on. For those just starting out, it is a lifestyle change but well worth it. The 1% method is effective so don't sweat it if you're not completely in yet. Work your way up if you need to, but keep moving forward!
The 1% Method Is Effective

Susan B.