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Stay The Course, It's Worth It!!

Stay The Course, It's Worth It!!
Hi everyone!!! just wanted to introduce myself and share a photo I took. This is my 3rd challenge group. I started in Crew 48. This is a great life program!! Since I started the DLG lifestyle, I'm feeling healthier with the cleaner eating and workouts! But the Bonus is,I'm feeling more lean, more toned, and stronger. I don't hate my body any longer and I'm not obsessed with the scale as I once was. If my weight goes up a tad, I've learned to be more gentle with myself, rather than tell myself what a failure and loser I am. I remind myself to improve 1% and learn from my choices. I had a long term eating disorder: bulimia on and off for almost 40 years. I hid it from others for many years. I lied to myself about the seriousness of it, and realize now, it could have robbed my son of his mom being here in earth. I allowed it to be my focus, rather than embracing and enjoying the life God gave me. I've learned, what we see on the outside, is often not the story, rather a symptom of what's on the inside which holds the story. For any of you who struggle, remember, it's a a marathon, not a sprint to the finish. You have to take it one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. When you don't do your best, begin again. Stay the course, it's worth it!! Can't wait to see what the next 4 weeks brings.
Stay The Course, It's Worth It!!

Andrea M.