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Started At 237lbs And Now I'm Down To 170lbs!

Started At 237lbs And Now I'm Down To 170lbs!
Good Morning this is Robert Tolson I started in Crew 29 at 237 pounds and now I'm down around 170. Had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty tumors, bad snoring. Went to the Dr last week and he said everything looked great and said I didn't need to see him for another year and he said it looks like your off your meds. Also I had him give me the CRP test and it was 0.5. I did the Bix 7 in Davenport, lowa up Brady Street Hill or Palmer hill as it called and I finished the first organized race that I had ever been in. Have lived here since 1978 and waited until I was 76 to attempt it. I can't thank DLG, Coaches, Peeps enough for the teachings and encouragement. I love this lifestyle no sugar, bread, potatoes, processed foods, bad oils. I read all labels, 10 minute workouts daily, at least 5 mile walks daily and a couple hours of weight lifting every other day and it all started from Crew 29 and DL teaching. Thanks again!
Started At 237lbs And Now I'm Down To 170lbs!

Robert T.