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Off Blood Pressure Medication And Down Near 60 Lbs!

Off Blood Pressure Medication And Down Near 60 Lbs!
Good evening!! My name is Peter. This is my 4th challenge. In this challenge I have been able to lose close to another 10 lbs. Also, at my doctor's appointment, we decided that my blood pressure is within the normal range or below to take me off my blood pressure medication. They also tested my ALC. My last known number (a few months ago) was 6.8, that day it was 5.4. In the last 4 challenges I have lost close to 60 Lbs, controlled my sugar levels and blood pressure and dropped 2 pant sizes all because of Livingood Daily. I have become a walking billboard for Dr. Livingood. A friend, my sister and sister-in-law have all gotten the book and have started their own journeys to health. My sister-in-law actually joined # Crew 52 and has joined # Crew 53. See you in the next challenge! 
Off Blood Pressure Medication And Down Near 60 Lbs!

Peter T.