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Now I'm Feeling Strong, Healthy And Fit!

Now I'm Feeling Strong, Healthy And Fit!
I started with crew 47 for $1 and didn't expect much. This is my 3rd month and I'm amazed at how much I have learned and progressed. I just finished my 10 minute work out ...WITH WEIGHTS! * I could barely get through the beginners level the first time through. Now I'm Feeling strong, healthy and fit! (And 4 inches off the waist line ... even though I'm only down 3 pounds. Don't let those pounds fool you. It's WORKING) Those of you who are new... welcome! "Just 1% better" philosophy was a game changer for me! To everyone else... thank you for making this a great community! Let's GO!
Now I'm Feeling Strong, Healthy And Fit!

Rebecca M.