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My Skin Has Dramatically Improved!

My Skin Has Dramatically Improved!
Started this crew late (this is the beginning of week 3 for me) and am LOVING it. I
can't believe I'm not hungry, or even worse hangry... I've been good with following
the healthy eating guide and eating clean and this week I'm committing to 6 days of the 10 min workout and a one day fast. I know I can count on this strong house to hold me accountable. 1% better here I come... On a more vane note, my skin is dramatically improved (and I know that's not in my head, because I didn't even know it was a possibility). My hands, arms and legs were "crepe-like" no matter how much lotion I applied. I can't imagine how much money and time l've wasted over the years applying lotion. This weekend I happened to notice my arms and legs -- they are soft and wrinkle free! Here's to collagen, healthy oils and a non-
toxic diet!
My Skin Has Dramatically Improved!

Donna C.