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My Knees No Longer Hurt When Going Up The Stairs!

My Knees No Longer Hurt When Going Up The Stairs!
Thank You #crew45 #DLG #coaches #nurselivingood for the lessons, for sharing your journeys and for being here for each other. This had been my 5th crew and although I only lost 2 lbs this crew I've had me non scale victories. I'm happy with my accomplishments. I lost 28 from crew 41 to 45. I feel great. My knees don't hurt going up the stairs and I'm not getting winded. My clothes fit better and I'm able to use some I haven't worn in 2 yrs. I do my 1% each day and will see you all in #crew46. Let's continue climbing that mountain!
My Knees No Longer Hurt When Going Up The Stairs!

Edlin B.