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My BP Is Coming Down!

My BP Is Coming Down!
I am new to this Lifestyle and this is my first challenge. I got my book, read it, and did the 21 day meal plan and that rolled right into the start of Crew 44. I decided I could keep myself accountable by writing what I eat everyday, steps taken, whether or not I did my 10 minute workout, my blood pressure and how much I slept. So I take my blood pressure and take a picture of it. I live in Humble TX and the heat here is hot for the next 8 months. So I send my mom the picture off my blood pressure machine and her response "Wow it's going to be a hot day today. Try to stay cool." I think that means my B P is coming down and I might be able to
get off this BP meds soon. & We had a good laugh after I explained what the numbers really were.
My BP Is Coming Down!

Lisa A.