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More Energy, More Alert!

More Energy, More Alert!
Hi all, I don't post much but I wanted to share I started in Crew 52 actually started intermittent fasting on Dec 29, 2023. I have lost 31 Ibs. Just got all my bloodwork and everything is in normal range. I am doing 20-21 hours fast with a 3-4 window to eat daily. Taking ACV capsules, magnesium, D3/k2, blood health, tumeric and omega3. Collagen shake choc. and electrolytes. Feel so much better already. More energy, waking up more alert, knees feel so much better and flexibility is increasing nicely. I feel younger! There is so much grace to do this as a lifestyle. I love it! I found what works for me 9g Thank you Dr LG for motivating educational videos!!
More Energy, More Alert!

Ruth P.