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More Energy And Better Mental Clarity!

More Energy And Better Mental Clarity!
I started Crew 52 with High Hopes (also my horses name) to make some positive changes to my health. In December, my cholesterol levels were elevated to the point my PA prescribed statins. She also recommended weight loss. I decided I was going to follow the Livingood Daily Lifestyle and see what could happen in 21 days. After the second week I could feel some changes, clothes were looser, more energy and better mental clarity. On day 17 l got hit with something like the flu. Perhaps it was the toxins releasing in my body. Anyway Dawn, who introduced me to DLG gave me a care package that included DLG Berry Greens, Collagen + Multi, and the Electrolyte powder. I loaded up on these nutrients. To my my surprise and husband's surprise too, the next day I was functioning and back to work. One of the biggest things l've learned this challenge is how oils effect weight loss. I switched to Coconut oil, Avocado oil, and Olive oil. Following the recipe guide was a huge help and my favorite recipe was the chicken broccoli casserole (even took it to a church potluck). I enjoyed the 10 minute workout. The biggest thing I've learned this challenge is there is so much more to learn and I'm just getting started. I'm looking forward this new Livingood Daily Life style journey, not a destination!
More Energy And Better Mental Clarity!

Deborah K.