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Loving Life Again

Loving Life Again
Here I am with my oldest daughter, Joy. She gets credit for challenging me to change the direction I was heading in with my life. I took her challenge and what a difference it has made! | discovered DLG a few days later and I've been on a roll now since the first week in January. This challenge I am shooting for continued improvement in my stamina. I had stopped all nedications back on Jan 5th, which has been a very good thing. They were killing me slowly, I think, but the fatigue I felt for several years now has continued to plague me. However, I have fewer and fewer days of feeling exhausted by 1:30pm. I wake up feeling rested more and more often. I think I'm going to beat this. Thank you DLG for helping me through this with your excellent trainings and supplements that make a difference. Onward and upward! It's only been a short time. Imagine what I can do in a few more challenges. Hiking again. Yes! Traveling to see my girls, yes! Loving life again. Yes!
Loving Life Again

Azonia H.