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Lost 40lbs, Off Many Meds; It's Been A Hard Journey, But So Worth It!!

Lost 40lbs, Off Many Meds; It's Been A Hard Journey, But So Worth It!!
I can't believe that it's been a year since I joined this lifestyle (#Crew 35). Has it been easy? No, but it's been SO SO worth it. In the last year, I've lost 40 pounds, have more energy, less fatigue, exercising consistently, sleeping better, statin drug has been eliminated and another medication cut in half so far. My journey is ongoing as my goals are to get off all my medications & be the healthiest I can be so that I can live life to the fullest! I want to be able to live my best life for the Lord, my family, friends and my little fur baby Shimmer. It can be overwhelming when starting but take it slow-strive for 1% improvement each day, take baby steps. You can do it! We can do it!
Lost 40lbs, Off Many Meds; It's Been A Hard Journey, But So Worth It!!

Karen W.