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Just Be 1% Better Each Day

Just Be 1% Better Each Day
This is my first crew and I have to admit I felt a bit overwhelmed at first, but everyone's encouragement and DLG's encouragement to just be 1% better each day really helped me to give myself time to digest bits of information and learn my way around this group and the website. I became a Lifetime Member and do not regret that decision. I have lost 9 pounds and doing the liver detox program and already feel the difference. My menopausal acne has diminished and my skin is healing for the first time since my total hysterectomy in 2018. Hot flashes are also much less, too. I wasn't expecting this! I have a lot to learn but I am so inspired and plan to continue on as part of the next crew! I am a nurse myself (hospice RN) and have been trying for years to improve my health but I needed guidance and teaching and a holistic approach to this. Thank you, DLG and coaches and crew members, for your enthusiasm, honesty, transparency, and for speaking truth in love. It has been convicting and inspiring all at the same time! DLG and Nurse Jessica, thanks for making me laugh every day! I have never felt such anticipation before regarding my health especially at this age. I am doing the DLG coffee challenge, the greens, vitamin D supplement, intermittent and rotational fasting, the reset and challenge, and the liver detox. I have never been one to exercise or know what exercises to do but I am determined to include the 10 minute workouts this week and into the next challenge.
Just Be 1% Better Each Day

Lori M.