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JUST AMAZING What Proper Nutrition And Feeding Your Body Does!

JUST AMAZING What Proper Nutrition And Feeding Your Body Does!
Just wanted to share this amazing surprise! I have a recent diagnosis of NAFLD and have been doing DLG's natural healing 2 week protoc (ACV, lemon water, milk thistle etc) for my liver. I also have a mild issue with carpal tunnel (right wrist mainly). I do sleep with a brace on that arm. Last night I forgot and this morning I rubbed my right wrist. Usually I am nit able to do th since the lightest touch would send like a "mini lightning bolt" up my arm. To my GREAT surprise, I could actually rub my wrist with pretty decent pressure!!!!! I attribute this to the daily ACV (2 T in small amount of water in morning and before bed). JUST AMAZING what proper nutrition and feeding your body what it NEEDS makes such an INCREDIBLE CHANGE!!!!!
JUST AMAZING What Proper Nutrition And Feeding Your Body Does!

Kristan S.