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I've Gotten So Much Stronger Since doing The 10-Minute Workouts

I've Gotten So Much Stronger Since doing The 10-Minute Workouts
I wanted to say hi and share how much stronger I've gotten since joining # 47 challenge. #49 is the start of my third challenge I'm 71 and in reasonable health no issues except slow creep up in metabolic markers. I needed to stop that in its tracks. The best surprise though is how much stronger I've become since faithfully doing the 10 min HIIT exercises They are fabulous and so easy to modify for how ever you feel or need. I was completely surprised after I spent 5 hours this weekend hiking in the sand dunes at Cod National Seashore and felt great the whole time. Last year I struggled with just half that time and wondered if it was my last time I'd be able to enjoy this spectacular landscape. It's such a gift to feel like this. Thank you DLG and coaches. For all New members I'm hoping for all good things to come to you by being here on your journey!
I've Gotten So Much Stronger Since doing The 10-Minute Workouts

Sam B.