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It's Starting To Feel More Like A Habit For A Better Lifestyle

It's Starting To Feel More Like A Habit For A Better Lifestyle
So, day one of week 2 and I am so excited!!!! I know it takes more than 7 days to make a habit but it's starting to feel more like a habit for a better lifestyle. I have been waking up and having Greens with AC every morning before coffee and making myself have a total of 36 oz of water by the time I am finished working out. I fasted 17-24 hours every day of week 1. I added in an ab and leg workout challenge with the 10 Minute Workouts because those areas bother me the most and the first week I was so sore I thought I pulled my hip flexors!!! It turns out, nope, just reallly sore which I love because I know I am working hard! 1am down 7 lbs I feel better, like my body is fired up My stomach is so much flatter For the first time since I can remember my cellulite is less apparent So excited for week 2 progress!!!
It's Starting To Feel More Like A Habit For A Better Lifestyle

Amanda T.