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I'm So Grateful For DLG!

I'm So Grateful For DLG!
My doctor was very pleased with my annual checkup. I've lost 15 Ibs. My numbers were great and my vitamin D was back to normal levels! He asked what l'd been doing. I ditched the prescription he'd given me for Vit. D2 and started using the Vitamin D + Immune complex. Over the years, he's grown accustomed to me wanting to pursue a wholistic approach. I simply told him about finding a group that combines eating right, exercise, and good mental health. He responded that it's working & to keep it up. I'm so grateful for DLG! I've been here since crew 48 and learn more with each crew. Slowly I'm bringing my husband and teen sons along. I couldn't do it without you all. Thanks so much
I'm So Grateful For DLG!

Audra R.