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I'm Learning How To Have Real Health!

I'm Learning How To Have Real Health!
I wanted to say hi, and welcome all who are here, either for another additional group, or for the first time. I've been here since crew 47. I have gotten stronger, more toned, and have lost some weight as well. I'm learning how to eat cleaner, and how to have real health. I take a multitude of the DLG supplements, and have the bulletproof coffee every morning. I had been on so many fad diets, battled bulimia, and had no lasting success, until this lifestyle. I am determined to be healthier than my family. My dad passed away over a year ago at age 89. He had heart disease and cancer. My mom just graduated to heaven on Feb 21st at the age of 90. Sounds like she did pretty well to live to 90, but she wasn't healthy. She smoked most of her life, and had 2 heart attacks, COPD, kidney disease, bladder cancer, and dementia. I am in the medical field, and want to be as healthy as I can be, using the DLG lifestyle. I beat the bulimia, no longer have a hard time swallowing foods, and feel so much better. My joint pain is minimal, and I'm taking omega and turmeric daily. I think my eye spots have started to lighten and clear. Even though I miss my mom, I know I'll see her one day again. Till then, I'm striving for health. Loving this crew 54! The best to all of you! Let's do this!
I'm Learning How To Have Real Health!

Andrea M.