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I'm Happy With The Changes I Am Seeing

I'm Happy With The Changes I Am Seeing
Just wanted to say I have been doing more supplements recommended by Dr. Livingood and better food choices. I've cut out nearly all eating outside mealtime. Cut sugar and grain to the best I can. For 3 days now my bp has been in the 1teens/ 60s. On my own I stopped my 2 bp meds a month ago. When I went to my post covid hospitalization followup... my PC took bloodwork... everything was perfect and he said to keep doing what I'm doing. I'm going to get copy of my last years bloodwork for comparison and keeping a journal of my journey. The weight is stable but I know it will begin to decrease soon. I'm happy with the changes l'm seeing. My whole life I've made bad choices in food and paid for it in my health. At 75... it's not too late to get on the right path. Thank you Dr. Livingood for the encouragement to begin this journey.
I'm Happy With The Changes I Am Seeing

Susan H.