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I Was Tired Of My OWN Excuses!

I Was Tired Of My OWN Excuses! I Was Tired Of My OWN Excuses!
I can't believe I'm sharing this picture, but I want to share it in case someone needs some motivation tonight. The picture on the left was taken in June of 2020. I was 2 months post partum and weighed around 220 pounds. / was tired and so uncomfortable in my body. Everything hurt and my feet and hands stayed swollen for a long time after I gave birth. It was around this time that started to regret eating all of those bacon jalapeño cheeseburgers and ice cream cones. I struggled all of 2021 and 2022. I tried everything; or so I thought. I tried quick fixes. They worked for a little bit, but then the weight would just come right back because those quick fixes were just bandaids. On February 10th, 2023, I woke up and said that I was done. I was done feeling like garbage everyday and tired of being uncomfortable in my own skin. I never looked back. I realized that I had to do the work and change my habits. There are no quick fixes. I was the solution, not some pill, shot, or drink. I crushed goal after goal and fell head over heels in love with my health and fitness journey. People often asked me what made me pull the trigger that February morning. What was the "thing" that kickstarted my journey. The thing was me. I was tired of my OWN excuses. It's never too late to stomp on your excuses and just start. Do this for YOU. YOU are the solution.
I Was Tired Of My OWN Excuses!

Courtney S.