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I LOVE This Lifestyle!

I LOVE This Lifestyle!
Hello #Crew55 my name is Bridgette and I LOVE this lifestyle! I've been around since #crew28 and like many of you had health issues. My thyroid was swollen on one side/ hypothyroidism. I had about 20 pounds of sugar on me, my gut was a mess, and achy joints. After about 9 months of living this lifestyle I was able to cut my thyroid med in half. A year later I cut SSRI in half! Last year I reached my 'pre-babies' size! This year I cut SSRI in half again but now working on gut. Health surely is a journe! With a whole lotta prayer, omegas + turmeric, berry greens, and vitamin D+, and DLG coffee ( OMYGOSH it's good!!) I have been able to make changes to build better health. The other solid anchor has been those 10 minute workouts I swear by these because I believe they do everything that DLG teaches. I'm in my fifties and they certainly have helped with thyroid, menopause, and mood swings/hormones. So thankful for this community !! All the love and support and prayer is amazing you all are my strong room!! If you are new to this lifestyle welcome!!
I LOVE This Lifestyle!

Bridgette C.