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I Love The 1% Suggestions!

I Love The 1% Suggestions!
I found out after I signed up for my first Crew that I was having hip replacement surgery at 60. Over use when I was younger and shallow joint sockets caused me to have bone spurs. While I haven't been able to do much of DLG exercises, l've been doing my prehab exercises and riding the recumbent bike at the gym. Reading the book and the cookbook while trying to prepare for surgery and being off work a couple weeks (I'm a realtor in OKC) I have loved this FB page. I can hop on and learn from all the past crews and coaches. It was overwhelming the amount of info in addition to getting my home and job ready for surgery. I love the 1% suggestions. I have used some in buying healthier food for my recoup time at home, in decisions for storage items, in ordering supplements to aid in healing. So many 1%s that will add up to faster and healthier healing! Thankful for the new DLG FB group!
I Love The 1% Suggestions!

Leslie S.