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I Look Forward To What Will Change In a Great Way!

I Look Forward To What Will Change In a Great Way!
Just to quickly share what's going on with me. Over the last couple years, I've had lack of memory and lack of energy. I also had back pain, hip pain, and knee pains. Thankfully, the Lord guided me to listen to Dr. Livingood a couple years ago. As I learned from DLG, my back, hip, and knee pains have gone down quite a bit, as I worked on losing weight. I am doing water fitness twice a week now, along with taking my dog for a walk each morning to exercise in a simple way. Due to my memory and lack of energy, I briefly stopped trying to lose weight. The Lord asked me to step back into losing weight again and to follow eating the right kind of foods that DLG recommends to build up my brain memory and energy! That's why I'm back to operating of the Livingood 21 Daily Challenge!!!! I definitely choose to do as the Lord asks me to do...and I love how the Lord uses Dr. Livingood to teach and guide us in great ways! I want to be used by the Lord in a strong way, every day, while still here on Earth! So I definitely want my full brain memory and energy back in my flesh body!!!!  I look forward to what will change in a great way!!!! Amen!!!!
I Look Forward To What Will Change In a Great Way!

Christina M.