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I Know I'm On The Right Path!

I Know I'm On The Right Path!
Today I celebrated my 63rd birthday. I started this journey shortly after my mom had passed of pancreatic cancer last August 21st. Around the end of September I found out that I had fatty liver disease. I finally had a biopsy done and they said it was stage three fibrosis, which is very heavy scarring of the liver. And you know how Dr. Livingood always says do not wait until you get a diagnosis well that happened to me I started the lifestyle challenges right away and got very serious with this. and to this day, I went from 259 pounds and I now weigh 184.6 approximately 70 some pounds I have lost, and now off all my medication's. I do not know if my liver can heal itself but because of this lifestyle eating, very healthy, and taking my supplements, exercising, I know I'm on the right path. I still have a ways to go, but only 1% per day. Will get me there. A huge thank you to Dr. livingood nurse Livingood, coaches, and crew members and most of all God will see me through this. I'm very excited with this year is going to bring. Sorry for the long text, but what can I say it's my birthday!
I Know I'm On The Right Path!

Kathy S.