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I Knew I Had To Make A Change, Found DLG, Never Looked Back!

I Knew I Had To Make A Change, Found DLG, Never Looked Back!
Hello everyone, I am 53 years old. I am married and I have 1 grown child. In January I hit my all time high in weight of 189 pounds. I am 4'11. I am a diabetic I have scoliosis and my left foot is turning in for some reason. I also have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. I have glaucoma and cataracts. I was in so much pain it was hard to move. I knew I had to make a change. So I started watching Dr. Livingood on his videos. Then I started eating organic foods. I am using a DLG collagen. I also use his coffee. And I have done a couple of fasting. As of right now I have lost 56 pounds. I signed up for the crew 46 and will start the challenges as they get posted. I am so excited to get started. I need to lose a lot more weight. 
I Knew I Had To Make A Change, Found DLG, Never Looked Back!

Carol B.