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I Feel Fabulous Thanks To LGD Supplements, Dr Livingood And His Crew

I Feel Fabulous Thanks To LGD Supplements, Dr Livingood And His Crew
I've been with DLG since Crew 34/35 (May 2022). I've lost 30 pounds thus far. I have a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer, which is why I started DL to begin with, to get healthy naturally. I won the crew video challenge in December 2022 for which I am so grateful because I was forced to quit work, felt defeated (as we were down to only one income). I was unable to purchase any products at that time. I've learned so much since starting, and I feel fabulous thanks to DL supplements, Dr Livingood and his crew for knowledge and exercise regimen, and Nurse Livingood for her healthy recipes. I started exercising at level one (barely making round 1 at first) and now with every exercise without stopping and I'm able to do level two!! My advice to the newbies is do not give up on yourself so easy. If you fall off the wagon, get back in it the next day! Have positive talks with yourself, epsom salt baths (3x weekly for me), move your body, pray, and decide that you choose to live, be happy and be healthy without pills and rancid foods! We got this!! 
I Feel Fabulous Thanks To LGD Supplements, Dr Livingood And His Crew

Michele B.