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I am Down To 244 Lbs, Have Less Pain, And I Am Moving Better

I am Down To 244 Lbs, Have Less Pain, And I Am Moving Better
Good morning Crew #46. I never know how to introduce myself a lot of times I stay in the background. I started with Crew 43 at 289 pounds my heaviest ever. I am an ICU nurse and I struggled with my long shifts. As of today starting my 4th crew I am down to 244 lbs, less pain, moving better, and using what I have learned to teach patients and introduce them to DLG lifestyle. I can only imagine how much more my health will improve with each crew. I have dealt with autoimmune disorders and skin problems all my life. So here's to living good. Living better. We can do this. We must do this. NO ONE IS COMING FOR US. #DLG thank you for sharing true knowledge and remembering that patient centered care is what it's all about. I think doctors have forgotten this.
I am Down To 244 Lbs, Have Less Pain, And I Am Moving Better

Jennifer N.