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Getting Amazing Results!

Getting Amazing Results!
Hello, I'm Debbie and something to know about me is I have been in since crew #47 and am getting amazing results all the way from taking my blood sugar and blood pressure to normal to going off of Thyroid med. It starts with getting the food you eat in line and from there I'm doing collagen/ multi, greens, Omegas/tumeric. I took my time and listened closely to all of DLGs classes, from there I made my decisions for my body according to what made sense. I had lots of digestive issues so next l went on GI support, it has been a miracle in healing my entire digestive tract. I am now about to finish DLGs Detox. When this is done I am going to try the metabolism support. I know that I will always take some of these supplements because they are a major support for my system and others I will take every so often or not need again. I am forever grateful for DLG and the whole crew.
Getting Amazing Results!

Debbie B.