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Dr. Livingood Knows What He's Talking About!

Dr. Livingood Knows What He's Talking About!
I did it!! I completed 69 hours of the collagen cleanse. Why 69 instead of 72 you may ask? Because the 72hour mark I was at a baseball game and would have been 75 hours after the game. I chose to stop at 69 as I was getting hungry! Lol! But want to hear the really good news? I had been at a weight loss plateau of not losing any weight for about 3 months ( inches had come off, but weight loss was only at 7lbs) My goal is to lose 20 lbs. I weighed myself today, the day after I completed the collagen cleanse and those scales showed 4 more pounds coming off! I had to look twice, I couldn't believe my eyes! I was going to post an encouragement about losing inches over pounds, but I can testify this to be true! Once again Dr. Livingood knows what he's talking about! If you would have told me at the beginning of my first crew that I could fast, live to tell about it and benefit from it, I would have said " No way- not for me" I have been doing this lifestyle since crew 40, and have felt better and healthier than I have for years. Thank you DLG, Nurse Livingood, and staff. You all have been the change I needed in my health and well being.  Looking forward to crew 46!
Dr. Livingood Knows What He's Talking About!

Sherry K.