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Down to 138 lbs And Feeling Like The Old Good Version Of Myself!

Down to 138 lbs And Feeling Like The Old Good Version Of Myself! Down to 138 lbs And Feeling Like The Old Good Version Of Myself!
I returned to my first pool league night last night after quitting a little over a year ago. Little back story. Pool was my passion. And I'm pretty darn good at it. Been to national championships in Las Vegas 7 times and my ladies team finished 3rd place in the country in 2014. But over the years I lost that passion. It went from something I loved and looked forward to every week to the dread and anxiety of having to go. I just always felt so terrible and that made my anxiety kick into high gear. I was eating dirty and drinking way to much so I decided to quit! Well those days are behind me. I returned to my pool team (they welcomed me back with open arms) last night was my first night back and I shot out of this world! Kinda like I never quit! I even earned a pretty hard to get patch last night. I truly feel, the ease and excitement I felt last night, which I haven't felt in such a long time was god showing me it was the right decision and time to dive back in. 1st photo was just over a year ago and look at me with vodka and cranberry in hand that would have been one of too many! And even though I had a smile on my face I was literally dying inside! I weighed about 162 here. And the second is from last night. Notice, no vodka cranberry! Yay me! And down to 138 lbs and feeling like the old good version of myself. The 3rd is my patch I won! Rackless means I won all my games without letting them get one win! I couldn't help but wonder how I was ever gonna go back and not have a cocktail or 5 or eat a disgusting dinner! That is until now! #DLG, #coach and my crew helped me find the inner strength Ive always had but just lost along the way of life. I am forever grateful to you all for giving me the guidance, support I needed. I have my passion back y'all! Thank you, thank you and did I say thank you! For the first time in a long time I'm looking forward to my future instead of dreading it!
Down to 138 lbs And Feeling Like The Old Good Version Of Myself!

Jennifer S.