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Ditching Sugar Is *Life Changing*

Ditching Sugar Is *Life Changing*
 Ditching sugar is *life changing*. I lost 60lbs in 2017-19 by eating sensibly and getting rid of my sugar habit. I was not perfect in every meal but one thing I refused to eat was sugar. Been less disciplined in recent years so I am thankful to be back on the wagon with these solid basic principles. 60 is right around the corner and I want to be as healthy as possible. Thank you, Dr. L! My biggest advice (that I try to follow myself) is to reset on the very next meal if you have chosen to eat or drink something that is not good for you. We have a way of beating ourselves up by having an all or nothing attitude. Reset, and REFUSE to fall into those self sabotaging thoughts. Second thing would be to put down your phone and get back to enjoying hobbies that you used to spend time on. Third thing, please don't torture yourself by weighing every day, It is a journey! 
Ditching Sugar Is *Life Changing*

Ann C.