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Consistency Is The Key!

I have been a member since crew 42. I started with ordering the book and joining the 14-Day trial being offered. In 42, I began by looking everything over, listening to videos, reading the a little bit of a handle on how things worked. I have been using DLG Collagen + Multi months before joining. So, in crew 43, April, I started implementing the meal plan and food list and started the workouts in the morning before I started my day. I have not done any exercise, (since tearing my rotator cuff off and having surgery, other than rehab therapy exercises) for two years. Now, I have been doing them every morning but Sundays. I lost 17 lbs by mid may(crew 44) and my A1C went from 6.7 to 6.1. In June, (crew 45) i went to Tennessee to help my son and daughter in law with their new baby, our second grandchild (girl). Their first is three, (boy) and very active. This involved late nights, and early mornings, and lots of temptations as far as food and sweets. I did go back to old habits, eating because i like food, and love sugar, and being in vacation mode in my eating. The month started out well…but increasingly went down hill. (not sure what my A1C is now) Although, I maintained my 10 min workouts each morning and my water and DLG bulletproof coffee. I figured when I got home this past Monday, that I would have gained all my weight I lost back, and then some...but was happy to see that I only gained 3.6 Ibs!!!!!!! am back to where was before I left!!!! I contribute it to the 10 min workouts!!!! I have missed this past Monday's work out, had a busy morning to get on the road to home (to Pa)that day, and also 4th of July, was extremely tired from the trip (whole month!)so slept in. Yesterday was back at it but this morning, fighting a cold, from extreme lack of sleep I am sure, and didn't sleep well, so didn't do them this morning, slept in again. I am thankful for the motivation of DLG family and crew and members. My encouragement would be, NEVER GIVE UP, keep going, don't get down on yourself, make good choices when every possible and do the workouts, how ever you can, start somewhere, do what you are able, you will get better if you if are consistent. As Dr Livingood says...consistency is the key! in percent better! On to another challenge…I really need to do the collagen cleanse or juice cleanse after this past month! When I saw that, I thought, how timely! lol…enjoyed my new granddaughter, and my grandson who we don't get to see that often. God is good!
Consistency Is The Key!

Amy F.