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Can't Wait To Continue Healing!

Can't Wait To Continue Healing!
I have had two heart attacks. The first one I knew nothing about. The second one I thought was heartburn but it did not go away... good news is I did all the right things to prevent this from killing me. Then the meds-after 7 years of meds that almost killed me. I found DLG and started my first crew 8/1/23. A1C down to 6.3 down from 7.4. Liver enzymes lowest they have been in years; triglycerides way down, cholesterol down with a slight increase in some of the numbers. I am doing a heavy detox right now and I know it's breaking something loose as I am getting weird rashes randomly on my face. I am down 21 los totally. Have more to go. —I had zero moons on my finger nails. I now have 5 moons that have returned and most of the deep ridges are gone! My hair is growing back with actual pigment instead of snow white. Can't wait to continue this healing!
Can't Wait To Continue Healing!

Patty B.