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Bloodwork And BP All Well Within Healthy Ranges

Bloodwork And BP All Well Within Healthy Ranges Bloodwork And BP All Well Within Healthy Ranges
Reached 1st goal of not being overweight this crew. Just turned 60. Had breast cancer and double mastectomy about 10 years ago. Lower right was a little over a year ago, after my beloved Mom's funeral. 207#. It was a tough couple of years. Stress, heartbreak. The others reflect a journey back to my own health, better every day. Now at 167#. I'm 5'9" so the numbers seem high but for me it's close to my best weight and bloodwork and BP all well within healthy ranges. I share not to win anything but to encourage and help anyone struggling. Totally worth it. While some heartbreak persists, at least poor health is not one of them. Thank God, and thank DLG team and crews.
Bloodwork And BP All Well Within Healthy Ranges

Karin G.