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A Year Later And I Still Get Excited At The Start Of Every New Challenge

I'm introducing myself, l've been here a little over a year. I joined in Crew 34, l've lost 80lbs. I can't say enough good things about this lifestyle. I was such a talented procrastinator before implementing #StickyHabits, now it's get up early and get things done and I love it 9. I was headed towards high blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea, knee replacement, etc. With a doctor whose answer was medication, when I asked what to do about my swollen ankles, he said compression socks, I thought how does that stop my ankles from swelling in the first place? So I knew I was on my own until I saw Dr. Livingood and joined the lifestyle. I sleep pretty darn good, I don't have any arthritis pain, blood pressure is great and I don't have swelling in my ankles anymore. A year later and I still get excited with the beginning of every new challenge, and deciding what part of my health to focus on next. I'm learning it takes time to change a lifetime of had habits, but it's happening and I couldn't be happier! 
A Year Later And I Still Get Excited At The Start Of Every New Challenge

Kristin E.