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14.5 Lb Weight Loss 2 Weeks In!

14.5 Lb Weight Loss 2 Weeks In!
I hope you are all itching to 'snap' into a better version of yourself!!! We all know that the BIG DLG has shown us the way, and we can't say that about many other doctors out there. He gives us the PROACTIVE WITH THE REACTIVE to ensure that we get healthier AND stay healthier! Not many "sick care" specialists can fly that flag!! I am here for me, ya'll....I am 2 weeks in and fasting and clean eating have blessed me with a 14.5 lb weight loss (hey, that half pound MATTERS, peeps) and a feeling of real, deep- down, well-earned success & that I have not felt in many years! I wish you all oodles of will power and gobs of grit to accomplish whatever your goals might be! Cheers to DL and the Mrs. for all they do to fight the healthy fight!
14.5 Lb Weight Loss 2 Weeks In!

Jessika B.