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1% More Each Day!

1% More Each Day!
Hello crew 55, It has been a while since I have posted anything new. I started this lifestyle in March of 2022, I think it was crew 23. I was very over weight 223lbs the first few months I just watched and learned from DLG, Nurse Jessica and his team. Also, from others in the group and was very impressed of all the support from everyone. I am now 150lbs and I plan to get to my goal weight this year of 110/120 or so. I have taken my time to learn a new lifestyle and I plan on becoming a lifetime member next year hopefully my finances will permit it!!! Today, I got back my lab work and I was very pleased. My liver enzymes are in normal range still, my A1C was a 5.4 but In April 2023' my enzymes were high, A1C was 7.3. I also had high lymphs! My next focus is my cholesterol, my TC 205 (high) down from 245, TG 173 (high) down from 199, HDL-C 49 went up from 39 (normal range), VLDL 31 down 37 (normal range) and my LDL-C 128 down from 169. My lymphs are in normal range now too. I am going to wait on finding out my CRP and MMR for now (Particle size). My goal is to do liver cleans, eat more plants based foods like black, garbanzo, kidney beans for fiber, organic vegetables and fruits. No natural sugar this time around, no crabs other than carbs from vegetables. Drink lemon water in the morning, and hopefully I don't forget to drink my 73 oz of water too. Healthy Fats, butter, ghee and animals fat only. No plant based oils at all. I am going to miss my coconut oil in my coffee in the morning. I'll be taking omaga+turmeric, liver and gallbladder cleans/support, cholesterol/support, Vitamin D3, energy support for the coq10 that's in it. Energize and the pre, pro and post probiotics in my water. Also, greens in water and collagen in my coffee +moringa with butter, nut no coconut oil. Wishing you all a happy, healthy lifestyle, doing 1% more each day!!
1% More Each Day!

Leslie B.