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Lab Work Has Improved

Lab Work Has Improved
Hi all! I just wanted to introduce myself and share a photo I took. I’ve been with DLG since Crew 47. I have learned so much, have become healthier, and have much more energy working out with the 10 minute workouts, 6 days per week. My weight has dropped, but more importantly, my lab work has improved with all labs in normal ranges. My doctor was very happy with my current health. I’m looking forward to improving more in this crew. I want to continue to strengthen but also improve myflexibility. I had some surgery during the last Crew 55, so I was a bit out of contact. I look forward to meeting all of you, supporting your journey, and improving my water intake. I look forward to utilizing more of the recipes as well. Let’s get some great results as a group!💪🏼😁💖
Lab Work Has Improved

Andrea M.